Monday 29 June 2009

The perils of letting your kids watch too much reality TV

Ok i know they shouldn't be watching to much telly let alone trashy TV but what can i say i love trash. It is always a highlight in our house when dancing on ice, X Factor or my girls fave strictly come dancing is on the box on a Saturday night, we all cram onto one sofa and cuddle up with treats waiting to be entertained.

Lately though it has come to my attention that our family bonding time might have as many cons as there are pros, i recently wrote a post about the unsavory influence the Disney channel was holding over my big girls here, but this is much worse.

For example, last week while i was channel surfing i happened to stumble across this years series of Big Brother (purely by accident of course), and within seconds Mimi was asking where Lisa and Mario where - yes those loser gym buffs form last years show, oh no i though I've brainwashed my child - last year she was only three for Christ sakes. Then last nights little performance from Fi finally put the nail in the coffin of my watching any reality TV before the watershed. She was in the garden dancing away, giving us all a rendition of John Denver's "country roads" (very cute by the way), when seemingly out of nowhere she took to the table top and started to wiggle her belly then wait for it.......she put her finger in her belly button shot us a mischievous smile and proceeded to put said finger into her mouth! I actually spat my tea out, I'm just thankful no one but her unconditional loving parents witnessed it. We later realised she was impersonating Britains got talents belly dancing tyranny dad - i don't think I'll be winning mother of the year any time soon.

For those of you who haven't a clue who I'm talking about above is a pic of Mama Trish before his awful performance.


  1. Sometimes I'm glad I live abroad.. I have no idea what you are talking about and think I might try to keep it that way!

  2. We really watch BB. But I did let them watch Britain's Got Talent. Mama Trish (actually I turned that bit over, I found his/her routines a bit bleurghhhhh!!

  3. Ah ha! I knew there was a reason that I don't watch reality TV. That said, it is hot, I am 2.5 weeks off my due date and if I leave the house I is Big Brother worth watching this year?

  4. Ha! I do like Drag Queens - they always have to push boundaries.

    But even by my standards the belly button thing was gross!

    If its any consolation my kids - who are a bit older than your little 3 year old were copying him too. You are not alone!!! RMxxx

  5. OMG they're like sponges aren't they?!! x

  6. Theres an award for you at mind too (I forgot to tell everyone yesterday!)

  7. My girls love Britians Got Talent. Now all I always picture your lot all cuddled up in front on the telly eating sweets (cute image)

  8. OMG, I just saw the ages of your girls. You're worse than I am! YOU MUST BE BUSY.

  9. At the moment the worst I get is S telling people to Deal or No Deal! I daren't let him watch reality tv like me because he'd soak it all up. Sooo funny about the belly button thing though! xx


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